Facebook’s annual F8 conference in California took place this week, where many new and exciting changes for both Facebook and Instagram were announced.
Will the like function on Instagram go away? It’s in beta testing now, so check back soon for updates.
Privacy is of course a buzz word for Facebook. Nearly all of the updates touch on higher levels of privacy and security.
A New Look for Facebook
With the “FB5 Update”, you will notice the blue bar is gone on both your app and soon on your desktop version. Their logo got an update as well as the reaction features - the happy is more happy, the angry more angry.
VR and Augmented Reality
Many of the changes and updates involve augmented reality, and unless your business is in the tech industry, this will just be a fun addition to mess around with.
There are more updates and new features like additions to the Facebook Portal and a new dating feature. How this will all play out is still to be seen, but we wanted to give you our take on the ones that matter to you and your business.
How will Facebook’s and Instagram’s latest changes affect my business?
Facebook Groups - will be will be easier to find and easier to participate in
Shopping on Instagram - digital shopping and commerce features coming soon
Events on Facebook - now more friendly for business and users, with a dedicated tab and map function
Communities- both on and off line, Facebook wants to make it easier for folks to connect. It should now be easier to find businesses and get recommendations through Facebook.
Likes may be going away on Instagram - this is in beta testing. Stay tuned for more info…
Donate Button in Stories - Instagram Stories now allows users to ask for donations on behalf on non-profits; is your non-profit set up for this?
These are the top changes announced so far that we believe will be a benefit to your business.
If you have been ignoring your Facebook business page, NOW is the time to give it your attention!